When you translate the word 'yes' from English to Chinese in any translator such as Google Translate, you'll often see the word '是' (Shì) but this is not the only way to say yes. Here are 10 ways to say yes!
1. 是的 (Shì de)
This is the first way to say answer positively to a yes or no question that checks whether something is right or wrong. For example, if someone asks you: 你是中文学生吗?(Nǐ shì zhōngwén xuéshēng ma?), which means 'Are you a Chinese language student?' You say can 'yes' by answering with '是的' (Shì de).
2. 嗯 (ēn)
This is a casual way to say yes. It would be the equivalent of 'yep' or 'yup'. You can use it with your family and friends if they ask you '你饿了吗?' (Nǐ èle ma?) 'Are you hungry?', you can say '嗯' (ēn)to mean 'yep'.
3. 对 (Duì)
This means 'correct/right'. For example, when you’ve finished watching a movie with your friend and someone says to you ”这一部电影真好看.” (Zhè yī bù diànyǐng zhēn hǎokàn) 'This movie is very good.' You can say 对 (Duì)to express agreement with the statement.
4. 有 (Yǒu)
This literally means 'to have'. If someone asks you '你有带钥匙吗?'(Nǐ yǒu dài yàoshi ma?)'Did you bring your keys?' You can answer with '有' to say 'yes'.
5. 好 (Hǎo)
This literally means good. So if someone says to you '我们下个月一起去旅游吧!' (Wǒmen xià gè yuè yīqǐ qù lǚyóu ba) 'Let’s go on holiday together next month.' You can say '好啊!' 'To mean yes' (good idea).
6. 没错 (Méi cuò)
This literally means 'not wrong' but it is more like 'that’s right'. If someone asks you “电影是不是十点开始?' ( Diànyǐng shì bùshì shí diǎn kāishǐ ) You can say ” '没错' ''Is the movie starting at 10?' 'Yes.'
7. 没问题 (Méi wèntí)
This means 'no problem'. If you ask your manager '我明天可以请假吗?' (Wǒ míngtiān kěyǐ qǐngjià ma?) 'Can I take a day off tomorrow?' He or she might respond and say '没问题' which means 'no problem'.
8. 行 (Xíng)
This means 'sure/ok'. For example, when someone asks you '我可以借你的车吗?行.' (Wǒ kě yǐ jiè nǐ de chē ma?) You can say xíng. Can I borrow your car? OK!
9. 可以 (Kěyǐ)
It means 'can'. If someone asks you a can question such as '我可以用一下你的电脑吗?'(Wǒ kěyǐ yòng yīxià nǐ de diànnǎo ma?)Can I use your computer? You can answer by saying 可以。
10. 当然 (Dāngrán)
This means 'of course'. For example, if I ask you '你喜欢这个视频吗?' ( Nǐ xǐhuān zhège shìpín ma? ) 'Do you like this video?' You can respond by saying '当然' 'Of course' and liking our video below which explains all of these words:
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