Today’s word of the day is 整 (zhěng) which means whole. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 整 (zhěng).
整体 (zhěng tǐ) Entirely
The first word is 整体 (zhěng tǐ) which means ‘entirety’. A way of using it in a sentence is 这个问题需要从整体上考虑。(Zhège wèntí xūyào cóng zhěngtǐ shàng kǎolǜ.) This problem needs to be considered as a whole.
整齐 (zhěng qí) Neat
Another word we can create with 整 (zhěng) is 整齐 (zhěng qí). This means ‘neat’. A way of using it in a sentence is 我们把桌子上的文件整齐地摆放好。(Wǒmen bǎ zhuōzi shàng de wénjiàn zhěngqí de bǎifàng hǎo.) We neatly arranged the documents on the table.
整理 (zhěng lǐ) To organize
Finally, we can create the word 整理 (zhěng lǐ) which means ‘to organize’. A way of using it in a sentence is 我正在把书房的书籍整理一下。(Wǒ zhèngzài bǎ shūfáng de shūjí zhěnglǐ yíxià.) I'm sorting out the books in the study.