Today’s word of the day is 战 (zhàn) which means fight. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 战 (zhàn).
战争 (zhàn zhēng) War
The first word is 战争 (zhàn zhēng) which is a noun that means war. A way of using it in a sentence is 我们反对战争。(Wǒmen fǎnduì zhànzhēng.) We are opposed to war.
内战 (nèi zhàn) Civil War
Another word we can create with 战 (zhàn) is 内战 (nèi zhàn). This is a noun that means civil war. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 内 means internal and 战means fight, so it essentially refers to a fight between people within the same country. We can say that 内战指一国内部不同武装力量之间发生的具有一定规模的武装冲突。(Nèizhàn zhǐ yī guónèi bù bùtóng wǔzhuāng lìliàng zhī jiān fāshēng de jùyǒu yīdìng guīmó de wǔzhuāng chōngtú.) Civil war refers to an armed conflict of a certain scale that occurs between different armed forces within a country.
挑战 (tiǎo zhàn) Challenge
Finally, we can create the word 挑战 (tiǎo zhàn) which means challenge. A way of using it in a sentence is 创业是一个不断挑战自己的过程。(Chuàngyè shì yīgè bùduàn tiǎozhàn zìjǐ de guòchéng.) Entrepreneurship is a process of constantly challenging yourself.