Today’s word of the day is 养 (yǎng) which is a verb that means ‘to raise’. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 养 (yǎng).
培养 (péi yǎng) To cultivate
The first word is 培养 (péi yǎng) which means ‘to cultivate’. Let’s look at each character of this word, 培 means ‘to train’ and 养 means ‘to raise’. A way of using it in a sentence is: 培养好习惯是很难的。(Péiyǎng hǎo xíguàn shì hěn nán de.) It is hard to cultivate good habits.
营养 (yíng yǎng) Nutrition
Another word we can create with 养 (yǎng) is 营养 (yíng yǎng). This is a noun that means ‘nutrition’. A way of using it in a sentence is 我们的身体需要充足的营养。(Wǒmen de shēntǐ xūyào chōngzú de yíngyǎng.) Our bodies need adequate nutrition.
养老金 (yǎnglǎo jīn) Pension
Finally, we can create the word 养老金 (yǎnglǎo jīn) which is a noun that means pension. 养means ‘to raise’, 老means ‘old’ and 金 means ‘gold’. A way of using it in a sentence is 养老金不多。 (Yǎnglǎo jīn bù duō.) A pension isn’t much.