Today’s word of the day is 胃 (wèi) [REPEAT] which is a noun that means stomach. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 胃 (wèi).
胃口 (wèi kǒu) Appetite
The first word is 胃口 (wèi kǒu) which means appetite. Let’s look at each character of this word, 胃 means stomach, and 口 (kǒu) means mouth. A way of using it in a sentence is 我今天没有胃口。(Wǒ jīntiān méiyǒu wèikǒu.) I don’t have an appetite today.
肠胃 (cháng wèi) Digestive system
Another word we can create with 胃 (wèi) is 肠胃 (cháng wèi). This refers to the digestive system Let’s again look at each character of this word, 肠 means intestines and 胃means stomach. A way of using it in a sentence is 吃面食对肠胃好吗? (Chī miànshí duì chángwèi hǎo ma?) Is eating flour-based foods good for the digestive system?
胃痛 (wèi tòng) Stomach ache
Finally, we can create the word 胃痛 (wèi tòng) which means stomach ache. The 痛 here means hurt. A way of using it in a sentence is 我有点胃痛。 (Wǒ yǒudiǎn wèitòng.) I have a bit of a stomach ache.