Today’s word of the day is 替 (tì) which means ‘to substitute’. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 替 (tì).
替换 (tì huàn) To replace
The first word is 替换 (tì huàn) which means ‘to replace’. Let’s look at each character of this word, 替 means ‘to replace’ and 换 means ‘to change’. A way of using it in a sentence is 别用汉堡披萨代替米饭蔬菜。(Bié yòng hànbǎo pīsà dàitì mǐfàn shūcài.) Don’t replace rice and vegetables with pizzas and hamburgers.
替身 (tì shēn) Body double
Another word we can create with 替 (tì) is 替身 (tì shēn). This means body double or stuntman/stuntwoman. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 替 means ‘to substitute’ and 身 means ‘body’. A way of using it in a sentence 这位明星有个替身。(Zhè wèi míngxīng yǒu gè tìshēn.) This movie star has a body double.
替工 (tì gōng) Substitute worker
Finally, we can create the word 替工 (tì gōng) which is a noun that means substitute worker. A way of using it in a sentence is 代替别人做工的人叫替工。(Dàitì biérén zuògōng de rén jiào tì gōng.) A person who works on behalf of someone else is called a substitute worker.