Today’s word of the day is 锁 (suǒ) which means ‘to lock’. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 锁 (suǒ).
密码锁 (mì mǎ suǒ) Password lock
The first word is 密码锁 (mì mǎ suǒ) which means password lock. Let’s look at each part of this word, 密码 means password and 锁 means lock. A way of using it in a sentence is 这个密码锁是最新的科技。(Zhè ge mì mǎ suǒ shì zuì xīn de kē jì.) This password lock is the latest technology.
锁门 (suǒ mén) To lock the door
Another word we can create with 锁 (suǒ) is 锁门 (suǒ mén). This means ‘to lock the door’. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 锁 means to lock, and 门 means door. A way of using it in a sentence is 我出门前总是会检查好锁门。(Wǒ chūmén qián zǒng shì huì jiǎnchá hǎo suǒmén. I always double check that I lock the door before I leave to ensure the safety of the house.
门锁 (mén suǒ) Door lock
If we swap the characters around, we can create the word 门锁 (mén suǒ) means door lock. A way of using it in a sentence is 这个门锁有点问题,要不然我帮你换一个?(Zhège mén suǒ yǒudiǎn wèntí, yào bùrán wǒ bāng nǐ huàn yī gè?) This lock on your door seems to have some problems, do you want me to help you change it?