Today’s word of the day is 牌 (pái) which means ‘card’. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 牌 (pái).
登机牌 (dēng jī pái) Boarding pass
The first word is 登机牌 (dēng jī pái) which means ‘boarding pass’. Let’s look at each character of this word, 登机 means ‘to board a plane’ and 牌 means ‘card’. A way of using it in a sentence is: 请您拿好登机牌,准备登机。(Qǐng nín ná hǎo dēng jī pái, zhǔnbèi dēng jī.) Please get your boarding passes ready and prepare to board the flight.
奖牌 (jiǎng pái) Medal
Another word we can create with 牌 (pái) is 奖牌 (jiǎng pái). This means medal. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 奖 means award and 牌 means card. A way of using it in a sentence is 当优胜者接受奖牌时,大家都欢呼起来。(Dāng yōushèng zhě jiēshòu jiǎngpái shí, dàjiā dōu huānhū qǐlái.) When the winner received the medal, everyone started to cheer.
车牌 (chē pái) License plate
Finally, we can create the word 车牌 (chē pái) which is a noun that means license plate. The 车 here means ‘car’. A way of using it in a sentence is 怎样才能选一个好的车牌号?(Zěnyàng cáinéng xuǎn yīgè hǎo de chēpái hào?) How can one pick a good license plate number? Did you know that the Chinese are quite superstitious and desire certain numbers on their license plate such as eight which is a lucky number?