Today’s word of the day is 霉 (méi) which means ‘mold’. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 霉 (méi).
发霉 (fā méi) Moldy
The first word is 发霉 (fā méi) which means ‘moldy’. A way of using it in a sentence is 这个面包放了很久,已经发霉了。(Zhège miànbāo fàng le hěnjiǔ, yǐjīng fāméi le.) This bread has been left for a long time and has become moldy.
倒霉 (dǎo méi) Unlucky
Another word we can create with 霉 (méi) is 倒霉 (dǎo méi). This means ‘unlucky’. A way of using it in a sentence is 我今天早上就倒霉了,迟到了半个小时。(Wǒ jīntiān zǎoshang jiù dǎoméi le, chídào le bàn gè xiǎoshí.) I've had a run of bad luck this morning. I was half an hour late.
霉味 (méi wèi) Musty
Finally, we can create the word 霉味 (méi wèi) which means ‘musty’. A way of using it in a sentence is 这件衣服好像有一股霉味,需要洗一洗。 (Zhè jiàn yīfu hǎoxiàng yǒu yī gǔ méi wèi, xūyào xǐ yī xǐ.) This clothing seems to have a musty smell, it needs to be washed.