Today’s word of the day is 路 (lù), a noun that means road. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 路 (lù).
路线 (lù xiàn) Route
The first word is 路线 (lù xiàn) which is a noun that means route. Let’s look at each character of this word, 路 means road, and 线means line. A way of using it in a sentence is 这个城市的公交路线非常发达,可以轻松到达各个地方。 (Zhège chéngshì de gōngjiāo lù xiàn fēicháng fādá, kěyǐ qīngsōng dàodá gège dìfāng.) The public transportation routes in this city are well-developed and can easily take you to different places.
路标 (lù biāo) Road sign
Another word we can create with 路 (lù) is 路标 (lù biāo). This is a noun that means road sign. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 路 means road, and 标 means sign. A way of using it in a sentence is 你要注意路标的指示。(Nǐ yào zhùyì lùbiāo de zhǐshì.) You need to pay attention to the guidance of road signs.
路程 (lù chéng) Journey
Finally, we can create the word 路程 (lù chéng) which means journey. A way of using it in a sentence is 我们今天的路程非常漫长。(Wǒmen jīntiān de lùchéng fēicháng màncháng.) We have a very long journey today.