Today’s word of the day is 客 (kè) which is a noun that means guest. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 客 (kè).
客厅 (kè tīng) Living room
The first word is 客厅 (kè tīng) which is a noun that means living room. Let’s look at each character of this word, 客 means guest, and 厅 (tīng) means hall. A way of using it in a sentence is: 你们的客厅很大。(Nǐmen de kètīng hěn dà.) Your living room is big.
游客 (yóu kè) Tourist
Another word we can create with 客 (kè) is 游客 (yóu kè). This is a noun that means tourist. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 游 means to travel, and 客 means guest. A way of using it in a sentence is 沙滩挤满了游客。(Shātān jǐ mǎnle yóukè.) The beach was packed with tourists.
客观 (kè guān) Objective
Finally, we can create the word 客观 (kè guān) which means objective. The 观 here means view. A way of using it in a sentence is 客观的反义词是主观。(Kèguān de fǎnyìcí shì zhǔguān.) The opposite of objective is subjective.