Today’s word of the day is 货 (huò) which is a noun that means commodity. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 货 (huò).
货币 (huò bì) Currency
The first word is 货币 (huò bì) which is a noun that means currency. Let’s look at each character of this word, 货 means commodity, and 币 (bì) means money. When you go traveling, you will normally need to check the currency exchange rate. This is known as the 货币汇率 (huò bì huì lǜ) currency exchange rate.
货物 (huò wù) Goods
Another word we can create with 货 (huò) is 货物 (huò wù). This is a noun that means goods. 货 (huò) means commodity and 物means thing or object. During a very difficult period for a country, you may hear on the news that 货物进出口下降了。(Huòwù jìn chūkǒu xiàjiàngle.) Imports and exports of goods have fallen.
货车 (huò chē) Truck
Finally, we can create the word 货车 (huò chē) which is a noun that means truck. The 车 here means a vehicle, so it is literally a vehicle that carries goods. A way of using it in a sentence is 货车司机辛苦吗?(Huòchē sījī xīnkǔ ma?) Is it hard being a truck driver?