Today’s word of the day is 红 (hóng) which means ‘red’, as in the color red, but it doesn’t always literally mean red. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 红 (hóng).
网红 (wǎng hóng) Internet celebrity
The first word is 网红 (wǎng hóng) which means internet celebrity. Let’s look at each character of this word, 网 means internet, and 红 here means famous. A way of using it in a sentence is 现在有很多网红。(Xiànzài yǒu hěnduō wǎng hóng.) There are many internet celebrities now.
红茶 (hóng chá) Black tea
Another word we can create with 红 (hóng) is 红茶 (hóng chá). This means black tea. A way of using it in a sentence is 你喜欢喝红茶吗? (Nǐ xǐhuan hē hóngchá ma?) Do you like to drink black tea?
红肉 (hóng ròu) Red meat
Finally, we can create the word 红肉 (hóng ròu) which is a noun that means red meat. The 肉 here means meat. A way of using it in a sentence is 红肉吃太多可能伤身体。(Hóng ròu chī tài duō kěnéng shāng shēntǐ.) Eating too much red meat may harm the body.