Today’s word of the day is 春 (chūn) which means spring. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 春 (chūn).
春节 (chūn jié) Spring Festival / Lunar New Year
The first word is 春节 (chūn jié) which means ‘Spring Festival’ or the ‘Lunar New Year’. Let’s look at each character of this word, 春means spring and 节means festival. Did you know that 春节快到了。 (Chūnjié kuài dàole.) The Lunar New Year is coming soon. It is next week on February 2nd of the Gregorian calendar.
青春 (qīng chūn) Youth
Another word we can create with 春 (chūn) is 青春 (qīng chūn). This means ‘youth’. A way of using it in a sentence is 不要浪费青春。(búyào làngfèi qīngchūn.) Don’t waste your youth.
春游 (chūn yóu) Spring outing
Finally, we can create the word 春游 (chūn yóu) which means ‘spring outing’. In China, we like to go traveling during the springtime. An example sentence we can create is 我们一起去春游吧! (Wǒmen yīqǐ qù chūnyóu ba!) Let’s go on a spring outing together!