Today’s word of the day is 晨 (chén) which means ‘daybreak’. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 晨 (chén).
凌晨 (líng chén) Before dawn
The first word is 凌晨 (líng chén) which means ‘before dawn'. It is the time around 4am. A way of using it in a sentence is: 现在是凌晨四点钟, 为什么你还不睡觉呢?(Xiànzài shì língchén sì diǎn zhōng wèishéme nǐ hái bú shuìjiào ne?) It is now 4 in the morning, why are you still not sleeping?
清晨 (qīng chén) Early morning
Another word we can create with 晨 (chén) is 清晨 (qīng chén). This means early morning, normally from 5 – 6 am. A way of using it in a sentence is 今天从清晨开始一直下雨。(Jīntiān cóng qīngchén kāishǐ yīzhí xià yǔ.) Today it has been raining since the early morning.
早晨 (zǎo chén) Morning
Finally, we can create the word 早晨 (zǎo chén) which means ‘morning’. A way of using it in a sentence is 我早晨去了健身房。(Wǒ zǎochén qùle jiànshēnfáng.) I went to the gym in the morning.