Today’s word of the day is 白 (bái) which means ‘white’. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 白 (bái).
白日梦 (bái rì mèng) Daydream
The first word is 白日梦 (bái rì mèng) which means daydream. Let’s look at each part of this word, 白日means day and 梦 means dream. A way of using it in a sentence is: 你经常会做白日梦吗?(Nǐ jīngcháng huì zuò bái rì mèng ma?) Do you often daydream?
坦白 (tǎn bái) To confess / come clean
Another word we can create with 白 (bái) is 坦白 (tǎn bái). This means ‘to confess’ or ‘to come clean’. A way of using it in a sentence is 犯人坦白了他的犯罪过程。(Fànrén tǎnbáile tā de fànzuì guò chéng.) The criminal confessed the course of his crime.
白痴 (bái chī) Idiot
Finally, we can create the word 白痴 (bái chī) which is a noun that means idiot. A way of using it in a sentence is 我不是白痴。 (Wǒ búshì báichī.) I’m not an idiot. Use this sentence when someone is trying to trick you and you can see through them.