Today’s word of the day is 白 (bái) which means white. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 白 (bái).
明白 (míng bái) To understand
The first word is 明白 (míng bái) which means to understand. Let’s look at each character of this word, 明 means bright and 白 means white. A way of using it in a sentence is: 总有一天你会明白的。(Zǒng yǒu yītiān nǐ huì míngbái de.) You will understand one day. This is something that maybe your parents might have told you.
白日梦 (bái rì mèng) To daydream
Another word we can create with 白 (bái) is 白日梦 (bái rì mèng). This means to daydream. Let’s again look at each part of this word, 白日 means day and 梦means dream. A way of using it in a sentence is 别做白日梦了。(Bié zuò bái rì mèngle.) Stop daydreaming. Someone might tell you this if you are daydreaming or if you say something with a very small chance of being able to happen.
告白 (gào bái) Confession
Finally, we can create the word 告白 (gào bái) which means confession. The 告 here means to tell. A way of using it in a sentence is 有些人曾经是朋友,告白了以后,连朋友都做不成。(Yǒuxiē rén céngjīng shì péngyou, gàobáile yǐhòu, lián péngyou dōu zuò bùchéng.) Some people used to be friends, but after a confession, can no longer be friends anymore.