Here are the phrases and sentences we learned in today’s podcast:
1. 照片 (zhào piàn) Photograph
我拍了很多照片。(Wǒ pāile hěnduō zhàopiàn.)
I took lots of photographs.
2. 照顾 (zhào gù) To look after
爷爷奶奶年纪大了,你应该多照顾他们。(Yéye nǎinai niánjì dàle, nǐ yīnggāi duō zhàogù tāmen.)
Your grandparents are getting older, you should look after them more.
3. 护照 (hù zhào) Passport
请出示护照。(Qǐng chūshì hùzhào.)
Please show your passport.
What other examples do you know?