Here are the three face shapes that we looked at in today’s episode:
1. 明星脸 (míng xīng liǎn): Dead ringer / Movie star face
她天生一张明星脸。(Tā tiānshēng yì zhāng míngxīng liǎn.) She was born with a movie star-like face.
2. 扑克脸 (pūkè liǎn): Poker face
他在商业协商时总是一副扑克脸。(Tā zài shāngyè xiéshāng shí zǒng shì yí fù pūkè liǎn.) During business negotiations, he always has a Poker face.
3. 巴掌脸 (bāzhǎng liǎn): Palm-sized face
巴掌脸是多大?(Bāzhǎng liǎn shì duōdà?) How big is a palm-sized face?
What other terms with ‘face’ do you know?