Today’s word of the day is 字 (zì) which means word. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 字 (zì).
字母 (zìmǔ) Alphabet
The first word is 字母 (zìmǔ) which means alphabet. Let’s look at each character of this word, 字 means word and 母 means mother. A way of using it in a sentence is 英语的字母有26个。(Yīngyǔ de zìmǔ yǒu èrshíliù gè.) The English alphabet has 26 letters.
字典 (zìdiǎn) Dictionary
Another word we can create with 字 (zì) is 字典 (zìdiǎn). This means dictionary. A way of using it in a sentence is 我经常用字典查找生词的意思。(Wǒ jīngcháng yòng zìdiǎn cházhǎo shēngcí de yìsi.) I often use a dictionary to look up the meaning of new words.
汉字 (hànzì) Chinese characters
Finally, we can create the word 汉字 (hànzì) which means Chinese characters. A way of using it in a sentence is 学习汉字需要一定的耐心和练习。(Xuéxí hànzì xūyào yīdìng de nàixīn hé liànxí.) Learning Chinese characters requires patience and practice.