Today’s word of the day is 自 (zì) which means ‘self’. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 自 (zì).
自雇 (zì gù) Self-employed
The first word is 自雇 (zì gù) which means self-employed. A way of using it in a sentence is 他辞去了工作,决定开始自雇经商。(Tā cí qù le gōngzuò, juédìng kāishǐ zìgù jīngshāng.) He quit his job and decided to start a self-employed business.
自由职业 (zì yóu zhí yè) Freelance
Another word we can create with 自 (zì) is 自由职业 (zì yóu zhí yè) which means freelance. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 自由 means freedom and 职业 means occupation. A way of using it in a sentence is 越来越多的人选择自由职业来追求灵活性和工作满足感。(Yuè lái yuè duō de rén xuǎnzé zìyóu zhíyè lái zhuīqiú línghuóxìng hé gōngzuò mǎnzú gǎn.) More and more people choose freelancing to pursue flexibility and job satisfaction.
自信 (zì xìn) Self-confidence
Finally, we can create the word 自信 (zì xìn) which means self-confidence. The 信 here means to trust. A way of using it in a sentence is 他的自信心让他充满了勇气去追求梦想。(Tā de zìxìnxīn ràng tā chōngmǎn le yǒngqì qù zhuīqiú mèngxiǎng.) His self-confidence fills him with the courage to pursue his dreams.