Today’s word of the day is 脸 (liǎn) which is a noun that means face. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 脸 (liǎn).
脸红 (liǎn hóng) To blush
The first word is 脸红 (liǎn hóng) which means ‘to blush’. Let’s look at each character of this word, 脸 means face, and 红 means red. A way of using it in a sentence is 她听到了这句话,脸红了起来。(Tā tīng dào le zhè jù huà, liǎn hóng le qǐ lái.) She blushed when she heard those words.
脸皮 (liǎn pí) Facial skin
Another word we can create with 脸 (liǎn) is 脸皮 (liǎn pí). This literally means facial skin but is often used to describe someone with a strong nerve or thick skin. For example, 他的脸皮真厚,居然一点儿也不害羞。(Tā de liǎn pí zhēn hòu, jū rán yì diǎn er yě bù hài xiū.) He has such thick skin that he isn't even embarrassed.
脸型 (liǎn xíng) Face shape
Finally, we can create the word 脸型 (liǎn xíng) which means face shape. The 型 here means shape. A way of using it in a sentence is 不同的发型会为不同的脸型带来不同的效果。(Bù tóng de fà xíng huì wèi bù tóng de liǎn xíng dài lái bù tóng de xiào guǒ.) Different hairstyles can have different effects on different face shapes.