Today’s word of the day is 照 (zhào) which means ‘to shine’. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 照 (zhào).
照片 (zhào piàn) Photo
The first word is 照片 (zhào piàn) which is a noun that means photo. A way of using it in a sentence is: 可以帮我们拍一张照片吗? (Kěyǐ bāng wǒmen pāi yī zhāng zhàopiàn ma?) Can you help us take a photo, please? This is such a common phrase now since everyone always likes to take photos of their memories while they are traveling.
依照 (yī zhào) In light of
Another word we can create with 照 (zhào) is 依照 (yī zhào). This means ‘in light of’. A way of using it in a sentence is 依照你的指示我去了那个地方。(Yīzhào nǐ de zhǐshì wǒ qùle nàgè dìfāng.) In light of what you said, I went to that place.
照亮 (zhào liàng) To illuminate
Finally, we can create the word 照亮 (zhào liàng) which means to illuminate. The 亮here means bright. A way of using it in a sentence is 焰火照亮了夜空。(Yànhuǒ zhào liàngle yèkōng.) The fireworks illuminated the night sky.