Today’s word of the day is 园 (yuán) which is a noun that means garden. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 园 (yuán).
公园 (gōng yuán) Park
The first word is 公园 (gōng yuán) which means ‘park’. Let’s look at each character of this word, 公 means public and 园 means garden. So it literally means ‘public garden’. A way of using it in a sentence is 我常去家附近的公园散步。(Wǒ cháng qù jiā fùjìn de gōngyuán sànbù.) I often go for a walk in the park near my house.
动物园 (dòng wù yuán) Zoo
Another word we can create with 园 (yuán) is 动物园 (dòng wù yuán). This means ‘zoo’. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 动物 means animal and 园means garden, so it literally means ‘animal garden’. Sometimes you may hear 老虎从动物园中逃出来了。(Lǎohǔ cóng dòngwùyuán zhōng táo chūláile.) The tiger escaped from the zoo.
乐园 (lè yuán) Paradise
Finally, we can create the word 乐园 (lè yuán) which is a noun that means paradise. The 乐here means happy, so it literally means ‘happy garden’. A way of using it in a sentence is 中国是旅游者的乐园。(Zhōngguó shì lǚyóu zhě de lèyuán.) China is a traveler’s paradise. We hope all our listeners can come and visit China one day and enjoy the different delights the country can offer for travelers.