Today’s word of the day is 油 (yóu) which means oil. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 油 (yóu).
油炸 (yóu zhá) Deep-fried
The first word is 油炸 (yóu zhá) which means deep-fried. Let’s look at each character of this word, 油 means oil, and 炸 means fried. A way of using it in a sentence is 这家餐馆的招牌菜是油炸鸡翅。(Zhè jiā cānguǎn de zhāopái cài shì yóuzhá jīchì.) The signature dish of this restaurant is deep-fried chicken wings.
油腻 (yóu nì) Greasy
Another word we can create with 油 (yóu) is 油腻 (yóu nì). This means greasy. A way of using it in a sentence is 这道菜太油腻了,我吃不下了。(Zhè dào cài tài yóunì le, wǒ chī búxià le.) This dish is too greasy, I can't eat it anymore.
油田 (yóu tián) Oil field
Finally, we can create the word 油田 (yóu tián) which means oil field. The 田 here means field. A way of using it in a sentence is 这座油田是我国重要的能源产地之一。(Zhè zuò yóutián shì wǒguó zhòngyào de néngyuán chǎndì zhī yī.) This oil field is one of the most important energy sources in our country.