Today’s word of the day is 小 (xiǎo) which is a noun that means little. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 小 (xiǎo).
小三 (xiǎo sān) Mistress
The first word is 小三 (xiǎo sān) which is a noun that means mistress. Let’s look at each character of this word, 小 means little, and 三 means three. A way of using it in a sentence is 小三是一个插入已婚家庭的女人。(Xiǎosān shì yīgè chārù yǐ hūn jiātíng de nǚrén.) A mistress is a woman who pushes her way into a married family.
小康 (xiǎo kāng) Well-off
Another word we can create with 小 (xiǎo) is 小康 (xiǎo kāng). This means ‘well-off’. A way of using it in a sentence is 一年赚多少,才能算小康?(Yī nián zhuàn duōshǎo, cáinéng suàn xiǎokāng?) How much do you have to earn in a year to be considered well-off?
小气 (xiǎo qì) Stingy
Finally, we can create the word 小气 (xiǎo qì) which means ‘stingy’. A way of using it in a sentence is 这么有钱的人居然那么小气。 (Zhème yǒu qián de rén jūrán nàme xiǎoqì.) Such a rich person, but ever so stingy.