Today’s word of the day is 同 (tóng) which means ‘same’. Let’s practice making words, phrases, and sentences with 同 (tóng).
同学 (tóng xué) Classmate
The first word is 同学 (tóng xué) which means ‘classmate’. Let’s look at each character of this word, 同 means ‘same’ and 学 means ‘student’. A way of using it in a sentence is: 我的同学对我很友好。(Wǒ de tóngxué duì wǒ hěn yǒuhǎo.) My classmates are friendly to me.
同时 (tóng shí) Same time
Another word we can create with 同 (tóng) is 同时 (tóng shí). This means ‘same time’. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 同 means ‘same’, and 时 means ‘time’. A way of using it in a sentence is 我们同时到达上海。(Wǒmen tóngshí dàodá shànghǎi.) We arrived in Shanghai at the same time.
同事 (tóng shì) Colleague
Finally, we can create the word 同事 (tóng shì) which means ‘colleague’. A way of using it in a sentence is 今天公司来了一位新同事。(Jīntiān gōngsī láile yī wèi xīn tóngshì.) A new colleague arrived at the company today.