Today’s word of the day is 首 (shǒu) which means ‘head’. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 首 (shǒu).
首都 (shǒu dū) Capital city
The first word is 首都 (shǒu dū) which means ‘capital city’. Let’s look at each character of this word, 首 means ‘head’ and 都 means ‘metropolis’. A way of using it in a sentence is: 北京是中国的首都。(Běijīng shì zhōngguó de shǒudū.) Beijing is the capital city of China.
首先 (shǒu xiān) Firstly
Another word we can create with 首 (shǒu) is 首先 (shǒu xiān). This means ‘firstly’. A way of using it in a sentence is 首先,我们要找到问题的根源。(Shǒuxiān, wǒmen yào zhǎodào wèntí de gēnyuán.) Firstly, we need to find out the root of the problem.
首相 (shǒu xiàng) Prime minister
Finally, we can create the word 首相 (shǒu xiàng) which means ‘prime minister’. A way of using it in a sentence is 英国的首相是谁? (Yīngguó de shǒuxiàng shì shéi?) Who is the prime minister of the UK?