Today’s word of the day is 手 (shǒu) which is a noun that means hand. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 手 (shǒu).
手段 (shǒu duàn) Tricks
The first word is 手段 (shǒu duàn) which means tricks, this word often has a negative connotation associated with someone being sly and cunning. A way of using it in a sentence is 他常常采取一些不光彩的手段来达到自己的目的。(Tā chángcháng cǎiqǔ yīxiē bù guāngcǎi de shǒuduàn lái dádào zìjǐ de mùdì.) He often employs some unethical means to achieve his goals.
手续 (shǒu xù) Procedure
Another word we can create with 手 (shǒu) is 手续 (shǒu xù). This means procedure. A way of using it in a sentence is 办理出国手续需要一些时间和文件。(Bànlǐ chūguó shǒuxù xūyào yīxiē shíjiān hé wénjiàn.) It takes some time and documents to go through the procedures for going abroad.
手套 (shǒu tào) Gloves
Finally, we can create the word 手套 (shǒu tào) gloves. The 套 here means sleeve. A way of using it in a sentence is 他戴上手套。(Tā dài shàng shǒutào.) He puts on gloves.