Today’s word of the day is 湿 (shī) which means wet. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 湿 (shī).
湿度 (shī dù) Humidity
The first word is 湿度 (shī dù) which means humidity. Let’s look at each character of this word, 湿 means wet, and 度 means level. A way of using it in a sentence is 夏天时,这个城市的湿度非常高。(Xiàtiān shí, zhège chéngshì de shīdù fēicháng gāo.) In summer, the humidity in this city is very high.
湿气 (shī qì) Dampness
Another word we can create with 湿 (shī) is 湿气 (shī qì). This means dampness. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 湿 means wet, and 气 means air. A way of using it in a sentence is 我们家的墙壁上长了很多湿气。(Wǒmen jiā de qiángbì shàng zhǎngle hěnduō shīqì.) There is a lot of dampness on the walls of our house.
湿透 (shī tòu) Soaking wet
Finally, we can create the word 湿透 (shī tòu) which means soaking wet. A way of using it in a sentence is 下了一整天的雨,我的衣服都湿透了。(Xiàle yī zhěngtiān de yǔ, wǒ de yīfú dōu shītòule.) After a whole day of rain, my clothes are all soaking wet.