Today’s word of the day is: 片 (piàn) which has several meanings but one of those meanings is movie. Let’s practice with the character 片 (piàn) by looking at different genres of movies.
动作片 (dòngzuò piàn) Action movie
The first genre is 动作片 (dòngzuò piàn) which means ‘action movie’. A way of using it in a sentence is: 你看过最好看的动作片是什么?(Nǐ kànguò zuì hǎo kàn de dòngzuò piàn shì shénme?) What is the best action movie you have seen?
科幻片 (kēhuàn piàn) Science fiction movie
Another genre we can create is 科幻片 (kēhuàn piàn). This means ‘science fiction movie’. A way of using it in a sentence is 有哪些经典的科幻片值得推荐?(Yǒu nǎxiē jīngdiǎn de kēhuàn piàn zhídé tuījiàn?) Which classic science fiction movies are worth recommending?
侦探片 (zhēntàn piàn) Detective movie
Finally we can create the word 侦探片 (zhēntàn piàn) which means ‘detective movie’. A way of using it in a sentence is 我喜欢看侦探片。(Wǒ xǐhuan kàn zhēntàn piàn.) I like watching detective movies.