Today’s word of the day is 毛 (máo) which means ‘fur’. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 毛 (máo).
毛巾 (máo jīn) Towel
The first word is 毛巾 (máo jīn) which is a noun that means towel. A way of using it in a sentence is: 请给我一条毛巾。(Qǐng gěi wǒ yītiáo máojīn.) Please give me a towel.
羽毛 (yǔ máo) Feather
Another word we can create with 毛 (máo) is 羽毛 (yǔ máo). This means ‘feather’. Did you know that the word badminton is 羽毛球 (yǔ máo qiú) which literally means ‘feather ball’.
毛病 (máo bìng) Fault
Finally, we can create the word 毛病 (máo bìng) which means ‘fault’. The 病 here means illness. A way of using it in a sentence is 我挑不出他的毛病。(Wǒ tiāo bù chū tā de máobìng.) I cannot find a fault with him.