Today’s word of the day is 量 (liàng) which means quantity. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 量 (liàng).
质量 (zhì liàng) Quality
The first word is 质量 (zhì liàng) which means quality. A way of using it in a sentence is 数量不如质量。(Shùliàng bùrú zhìliàng.) Quality over quantity.
尽量 (jǐn liàng) To try one’s best
Another word we can create with 量 (liàng) is 尽量 (jǐn liàng). This means ‘to try one’s best'. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 尽 means to use up, and 量means quantity, so it literally means to use up everything. A way of using it in a sentence is 我会尽量想办法帮你的。(Wǒ huì jǐnliàng xiǎng bànfǎ bāng nǐ de.) I will try my best to think of a way to help you.
大量 (dà liàng) Large amount
Finally, we can create the word 大量 (dà liàng) which means large amount. The 大 here means large. A way of using it in a sentence is 你有大量的时间做决定。(Nǐ yǒu dàliàng de shíjiān zuò juédìng.) You have a large amount of time to make a decision.