Today’s word of the day is 具 (jù) which means ‘tool’. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 具 (jù).
家具 (jiā jù) Furniture
The first word is 家具 (jiā jù) which means ‘furniture’. Let’s look at each character of this word, 家 means furniture, and 具 means tool. A way of using it in a sentence is: 房子里家具太多了。(Fángzi lǐ jiājù tài duōle.) There is too much furniture in the house.
玩具 (wán jù) Toy
Another word we can create with 具 (jù) is 玩具 (wán jù). This is a noun that means ‘toy’. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 玩 means to play, and 具 means a toy. A way of using it in a sentence is 他给孩子买了很多玩具。(Tā gěi háizi mǎile hěnduō wánjù.) He bought a lot of toys for their children.
具体 (jù tǐ) Specific
Finally, we can create the word 具体 (jù tǐ) which means specific. A way of using it in a sentence is 我不清楚他家的具体位置。(Wǒ bù qīngchǔ tā jiā de jùtǐ wèizhì.) I’m not clear on the exact location of the house.