Today’s word of the day is: 毒 (dú) which means poison. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases and sentences with 毒 (dú).
毒手 (dú shǒu) Vicious attack
The first word is 毒手 (dú shǒu) which means vicious attack. Let’s look at each character of this word, 毒 means poison and 手 means hand. A way of using it in a sentence is: 他是那种会在背后给你下毒手的人。(Tā shì nà zhǒng huì zài bèihòu gěi nǐ xià dúshǒu de rén.) He is the type of person that will stab you in the back.
病毒 (bìng dú) Virus
Another word we can create with 毒 (dú) is 病毒 (bìng dú). This means ‘virus’. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 病 means disease and 毒means poison. A virus that everyone now probably knows is 冠状病毒 (guānzhuàng bìngdú) which means ‘coronavirus’
中毒 (zhòng dú) Poisoning
Finally we can create the word 中毒 (zhòng dú) which means poisoning. A way of using it in a sentence is 发生食物中毒怎么办? (Fāshēng shíwù zhòngdú zěnme bàn?) What should one do if one gets food poisoning?