Today’s word of the day is 出 (chū) which means ‘to go out’. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 出 (chū).
出差 (chū chāi) Business trip
The first word is 出差 (chū chāi) which means business trip. A way of using it in a sentence is: 我明天要去新加坡出差。(Wǒ míngtiān yào qù xīnjiāpō chūchāi.) I have to go to Singapore for a business trip tomorrow.
出现 (chū xiàn) To appear
Another word we can create with 出 (chū) is 出现 (chū xiàn). This means ‘to appear’. A way of using it in a sentence is 如果没有你出现,可能我的生活和现在完全不一样了。(Rúguǒ méiyǒu nǐ chūxiàn, kěnéng wǒ de shēnghuó hé xiànzài wánquán bù yīyàngle.) If you didn’t appear in my life, it might not have been the same as it is now.
出口 (chū kǒu) Exit
Finally, we can create the word 出口 (chū kǒu) which means ‘exit’. The 口 here means mouth. A way of using it in a sentence is 出口在哪里? (Chūkǒu zài nǎlǐ?) Where is the exit?