Today’s word of the day is 北 (běi) which means north. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 北 (běi).
北方 (běi fāng) Northern region
The first word is 北方 (běi fāng) which means Northern region. Let’s look at each character of this word, 北 means North, and 方 means direction. A way of using it in a sentence is 来自中国的北方,那里的冬天非常寒冷。(Wǒ láizì Zhōngguó de běifāng, nàlǐ de dōngtiān fēicháng hánlěng.) I come from the northern region of China, where winters are very cold.
北京 (běi jīng) Beijing
Another word we can create with 北 (běi) is 北京 (běi jīng). This means Beijing. A way of using it in a sentence is 明年我打算去北京旅行。(Míngnián wǒ dǎsuàn qù Běijīng lǚxíng.) I plan to visit Beijing next year.
北极 (běijí) North Pole
Finally, we can create the word 北极 (běijí) which means North Pole. A way of using it in a sentence is 我梦想着有一天能够亲眼看到北极的景色。(Wǒ mèngxiǎngzhe yǒu yītiān nénggòu qīnyǎn kàn dào běijí de jǐngsè.) I dream of one day seeing the North Pole with my own eyes.