Today’s word of the day is 按 (àn) which means ‘to press'. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 按 (àn).
按时 (àn shí) On time
The first word is 按时 (àn shí) which means ‘on time'. A way of using it in a sentence is 你要按时睡觉。 (Nǐ yào ànshí shuìjiào.) You need to sleep on time.
按摩 (àn mó) Massage
Another word we can create with 按 (àn) is 按摩 (àn mó). This means ‘massage’. Let’s look at each character of this word, 按 means ‘to press’ and 摩 means ‘to rub’. A way of using it in a sentence is 身体酸痛就去按摩一下。(Shēntǐ suāntòng jiù qù ànmó yīxià.) If your body is sore, go and get a massage.
按照 (àn zhào) According to
Finally, we can create the word 按照 (àn zhào) which means ‘according to’. A way of using it in a sentence is 请按照我说的做。(Qǐng ànzhào wǒ shuō de zuò.) Please do as I say.