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Chinese Words With Multiple Pronunciation

Writer's picture: Everyday Easy ChineseEveryday Easy Chinese

Did you know that in Chinese, some words look exactly the same but have completely different pronunciations? Today, we'll look at 20 pairs of these Chinese words with multiple pronunciations. What do the different pronunciations mean?

If you want to hear these words, make sure to watch our video below!

1. 中

zhōng: This means 'middle'. For example, 中介 (zhōng jiè) Intermediary.

zhòng: This means 'to receive'. For example, 中奖 (zhòng jiǎng) To win a prize.

2. 调

diào: This means 'to investigate'. For example, 调查 (diào chá) Survey

tiáo: This means 'to condition'. For example, 空调 (kōng tiáo) Air conditioner

3. 长

cháng: This means 'long'. For example, 长发 (cháng fà) Long hair

zhǎng: This means 'to grow'. For example, 长大 (zhǎng dà) To grow up

4. 还

hái: This means 'still'. For example, 还有 (hái yǒu) Still have

huán: This means 'to return'. For example, 还书 (huán shū) To return a book

5. 没

: This means 'to confiscate'. For example, 没收 (mò shōu) To confiscate

méi: This means 'no'. For example, 没有 (méi yǒu) To not have

6. 假

jiǎ: This means 'fake'. For example, 假的 (jiǎ de) Fake

jià: This means 'vacation'. For example, 放假 (fàng jià) Vacation

7. 舍

shě: This means 'to give up'. For example, 舍得 (shě dé) Willing

shè: This means 'house'. For example, 宿舍 (sù shè) Dormitory

8. 吓

: This means 'to intimidate'. For example, 恐吓 (kǒng hè) To intimidate

xià: This means 'to scare'. For example, 吓人 (xià rén) Scary

9. 熟悉

shú: This means 'familiar / to cook'. For example, 熟悉 (shú xī) Familiar

shóu: This is a more colloquial way of saying the above. For example, 煮熟 (zhǔ shóu) Cooked

10. 看

kàn: This means 'to see'. For example, 看见 (kàn jiàn) To see

kān: This means 'to guard'. For example, 看门 (kān mén) Gatekeeper

11. 干

gān: This means 'dry'. For example, 干净 (gān jìng) Clean

gàn: This means 'to do'. For example, 干活 (gàn huó) To Work

12. 都

dōu: This means 'all'. For example, 都来 (dōu lái) All come

: This means 'metropolis'. For example, 首都 (shǒu dū)

13. 长

zhòng: This means 'heavy'. For example, 体重 (tǐ zhòng) Body weight

chóng: This means 'again'. For example, 重新 (chóng xīn) Again

14. 好

hǎo: This means 'good'. For example, 好看 (hǎo kàn) Good looking

hào: This means 'to like'. For example, 好客 (hào kè) Hospitable

15. 答

: This means 'to respond'. For example, 答应 (dā yìng) To promise

: This means 'to answer'. For example, 答复 (dá fù) To reply

16. 传

chuán: This means 'to pass'. For example, 传统 (chuán tǒng) Traditional

zhuàn: This means 'biography'. For example, 自传 (zì zhuàn) Autobiography

17. 背

bēi: This means 'to carry'. For example, 背包 (bēi bāo) Backpack

bèi: This means 'back'. For example, 悲痛 (bèi tòng) Back pains

18. 教

jiāo: This means 'to teach'. For example, 教书 (jiāo shū) To teach

jiào: This means 'to instruct'. For example, 教练 (jiào liàn) Coach

19. 相

xiāng: This means 'mutual'. For example, 相信 (xiāng xìn) To believe

xiàng: This means 'photo'. For example, 照相 (zhào xiàng) Photo

20. 会

huì: This means 'conference'. For example, 开会 (kāi huì) To hold a meeting

kuài: This means 'accounting'. For example, 会计 (kuài jì) To calculate

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