Today’s word of the day is 统 (tǒng) which means ‘whole’. Let’s practice making different words, phrases, and sentences with 统 (tǒng).
总统 (zǒng tǒng) President
The first word is 总统 (zǒng tǒng) which means ‘president’. A way of using it in a sentence is 中国的总统是习近平。(Zhōngguó de zǒngtǒng shì xíjìnpíng.) The president of China is Xi Jinping.
传统 (chuán tǒng) Tradition
Another word we can create with 统 (tǒng) is 传统 (chuán tǒng). This means ‘tradition’. 传 means ‘to pass on'. A way of using it in a sentence is 中秋节是中国的传统节日。(Zhōngqiū jié shì zhōngguó de chuántǒng jiérì.) The mid-autumn festival is a traditional Chinese festival.
统一 (tǒng yī) Unified
Finally, we can create the word 统一 (tǒng yī) which means ‘unified’. The 一 here means ‘one’. A way of using it in a sentence is 世界能统一吗?(Shìjiè néng tǒngyī ma?) Can the world be unified?