Today’s word of the day is 算 (suàn) which means to calculate. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 算 (suàn).
打算 (dǎ suàn) To plan
The first word is 打算 (dǎ suàn) which is a verb that means to plan. Let’s look at each character of this word, 打 means to hit and 算means calculate. A way of using it in a sentence is: 你毕业后打算要做什么? (Nǐ bìyè hòu dǎsuàn yào zuò shénme?) What do you plan to do after graduation?
预算 (yù suàn) To budget
Another word we can create with 算 (suàn) is 预算 (yù suàn). This means budget. 预 means to foresee. A sentence you may hear from your manager if you are working is: 你今年的预算数字十分准确。(Nǐ jīnnián de yùsuàn shùzì shífēn zhǔnquè.) Your budget figures for this year are very accurate.
算了 (suàn le) Forget it
Finally, we can create the phrase 算了 (suàn le) which means ‘forget it'. This is very colloquial and can be used when there is a sense of giving up on one’s original intentions. For example, you are supposed to be going to the beach with your friend, however, you may not be so bothered about going. Maybe you might say: 要是天气不好就算了吧。(Yàoshi tiānqì bù hǎo jiùsuànle ba.) If the weather is not good, then let’s just forget it.