Today’s word of the day is 理 (lǐ) which means ‘to manage’. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 理 (lǐ).
处理 (chǔ lǐ) To deal with
The first word is 处理 (chǔ lǐ) which means to ‘to deal with’. An example sentence we can create with this word is 我今天有事情需要处理。(Wǒ jīntiān yǒu shìqíng xūyào chǔlǐ.) I have something to deal with today.
理财 (lǐ cái) Wealth Management
Another word we can create with 理 (lǐ) is 理财 (lǐ cái). This means ‘wealth management'. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 理 means ‘to manage’ and 财 (cái) means wealth. An example sentence you can create from this word is 我想学理财 (Wǒ xiǎng xué lǐcái.) I want to learn how to manage my wealth.
理发 (lǐ fà) Haircut
Finally, we can create the word 理发 (lǐ fà) which means ‘haircut’. Again, 理 means to manage, and 发 means hair. An example sentence is: 我的朋友刚开了一家理发店。(Wǒ de péngyou gāng kāile yījiā lǐfǎ diàn.) My friend just opened a hair salon.