Today’s word of the day is 国 (guó) which is a noun that means country. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 国 (guó).
国际 (guó jì) International
The first word is 国际 (guó jì) which means ‘international’. Let’s look at each character of this word, 国 means ‘country’ and 际 means ‘border’. A way of using it in a sentence is: 上海是中国最大的国际化大都市。(Shànghǎi shì zhōngguó zuìdà de guójì huà dà dūshì.) Shanghai is China’s most international metropolis.
国籍 (guó jí) Nationality
Another word we can create with 国 (guó) is 国籍 (guó jí). A way of using it in a sentence is 你的国籍是什么? (Nǐ de guójí shì shénme?) What is your nationality?
国内 (guó nèi) Domestic
Finally, we can create the word 国内 (guó nèi) which means ‘domestic’. The 内 here means inside, so it literally means ‘inside the country’. A way of using it in a sentence is 国内旅游去哪里好玩? (Guónèi lǚyóu qù nǎlǐ hǎowán?) Where is a fun place to go for domestic travel?