Today’s word of the day is 安 (ān) which means ‘calm’. Let’s practice by making different words, phrases, and sentences with 安 (ān).
安全 (ān quán) Safe
The first word is 安全 (ān quán) which means ‘safe’. Let’s look at each character of this word, 安 means calm and 全 means complete. You may see in dangerous areas a sign saying 请注意安全。(Qǐng zhùyì ānquán.) Please pay attention to your safety.
安排 (ān pái) To arrange
Another word we can create with 安 (ān) is 安排 (ān pái). This means ‘to arrange’. Let’s again look at each character of this word, 安means calm and 排 means to put in order. A way of using it in a sentence is 行程已经安排好了。(Xíngchéng yǐjīng ānpái hǎole.) The itinerary has already been arranged.
安慰 (ān wèi) To comfort
Finally, we can create the word 安慰 (ān wèi) which means ‘to comfort’. A way of using it in a sentence is 你去安慰她吧。(Nǐ qù ānwèi tā ba.) Go and comfort her. You can tell someone to do this to a friend who is upset.